SEO Specialist

INTENSIVE Professional Course 20 hours with Professional Certificate in Tirana.

Approved by the Ministry

14-15-16 November 2024
TIRANA - Albania

Why should I become a Seo Specialist?

One of the most sought-after professions at present is SEO Specialist.

Our intensive 20-hour Basic SEO Specialist course is designed to help you learn the basics and become an SEO expert, equipping you with the skills needed to excel in the field of search engine optimization.

During this course, you will learn how to analyze and increase the visibility of your or your client’s website in Google and other search engines, using advanced techniques and essential tools.

Basic SEO Specialist course description: Course benefits

Keyword Research

You'll gain the skills to conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the most effective terms, optimize every element of your website to improve rankings, and create content that not only drives traffic, but is fully optimized for SEO. Additionally, you'll learn how to analyze competitors and use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor and improve your performance.

Technical SEO

You'll delve into the importance of technical SEO, from optimizing your site structure to managing files like robots.txt and sitemaps. The course also covers strategies for off-page optimization, including building quality links and managing your social media presence.

SEO Strategy

With our online SEO Specialist Course, you will be able to develop and implement a complete SEO strategy, increase your website's visibility and increase organic traffic. Become a skilled SEO Specialist and take your online presence to the next level with our detailed and comprehensive course.

Employment opportunities

Our SEO Specialist online course is designed to provide you with skills you can immediately apply to online marketing.

Digital Professional

Become a digital professional! Learn the best techniques to acquire and certify a variety of online marketing techniques and strategies to position a website in the Google SERPs, leaving potential competitors behind.

Seo Specialist with Certificate

By participating in this course, you will gain access to the free SEO Specialist Directory, which provides a meeting point between companies and certified professionals. Registration in the Register occurs after the completion of the training cycle, after you have passed the exams and received the national certification.

Center with international experience

Wolf & Shark is a company with international staff in small and large projects, learn from the best!

Valuable SEO Course!

Every day, students choose us to gain immediately applicable skills, achieving employment opportunities in one of the most in-demand professions of the moment.

Our Business Partners

We regularly create partnerships and collaborations with key players in every sector related to digital marketing and social media. We are committed to providing our students with exclusive benefits, special discounts, favorable rates, privileged access to high-quality services, and internship and internship opportunities. By enrolling in our course, you will have the key to enter a world of extraordinary opportunities, the result of our collaborations with prestigious business partners.

Partner Companies - Interested in Employment after the course

Video Prezantim i Kursit - Isan fare video

Detailed program: 20 hours

The course is suitable for individuals who want to start a career in digital marketing and SEO, professionals looking to improve their skills, as well as small businesses who want to optimize their online presence.

No prior SEO experience is required, but a passion for technology and marketing is welcome.

At the end of the course, all participants will receive a professional diploma recognized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which proves your expertise in Advanced SEO.

The best participants will also have the opportunity to participate in internships and employment opportunities in our company or partner companies, starting a promising career in digital marketing.

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE as soon as the final exam is successfully passed.

Tutor even after the Diploma

Our Basic SEO Specialist Course offers participants the opportunity to clarify doubts and ask questions from the comfort of home. With over 50 dedicated tutors available, students can interact directly with them to get explanations and insights on difficulties encountered during the course.

This approach promotes a thorough preparation of the topics covered in the course and is extremely effective in achieving your learning objectives.


Participants in our trainings
0 +
Years of international experience
0 +
Customers over the years
0 +

Masterclass 30 Maj 2024


Dy Mundësi Unike për Trajnim dhe Konsulencë të Nivelit Premium, Dy Masterclass Premium

🔥ADV Master Élite dhe SEO Pro Insights.

Dy Masterclass për të përmirësuar aftësitë tuaja dhe për të mësuar teknikat më të reja në marketingun dixhital.

🔥 ADV Master Élite: për të zotëruar Reklamat Online

  • Strategji për reklama efikase
  • Metodologji dhe studime me showcase
  • Këshilla për reklamimin e e-commerce
  • Komunikim të drejtpërdrejtë me ekspertë të menaxhimit të reklamave.
  • Trajnim në fushën e Reklamimit modern.

🚀 SEO Pro Insights:një masterclass i përparuar mbi SEO

  • Teknikat më të përparuara të SEO-s.
  • Analiza të veçanta të rasteve të studimit.
  • Komunikimi me profesionistë të SEO-s.
  • Fokus në praktikë dhe biseda me ekspertë SEO.
  • Marrja e njohurive kryesore për të bërë karrierë si ekspertë në SEO.

Pse të merrni pjesë?

Çdo masterclass është hartuar për të ofruar jo vetëm teorinë, por mbi të gjitha praktikën. Dëgjoni, mësoni dhe dialogoni me ekspertë të fushës Seo e Advertising, duke studiuar strategji konkrete dhe perspektiva të çmuara.

Pas përfundimit të Masterclass, do të keni zotëruar njohuritë kryesore për të ndërtuar një karrierë si profesionistë me përvojë në fushën e Advertising dhe SEO.

Data: 30 Maj 2024, Tiranë

Vetëm 50 vende të lira për çdo Masterclass!

Mos e humbni këtë mundësi të jashtëzakonshme! Rezervoni tani biletën tuaj dhe siguroni një vend si profesionist i të ardhmes së marketingut dixhital.”

Book for the Basic Advanced Seo Specialist Course

Basic Seo Specialist professional course


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